Meet our Members
The Society of British Jewellers are proud to present the work of:

Kelandy Designs
Name: Kelandy Designs
Kelandy Designs - Andy started making jewellery about 4 years just as an ‘interest’, starting with a £400 box of mixed tools from India. He soon got the bug however and as creative ideas flowed he sought help from You Tube, Jewellery Forums, Facebook, and textbooks. Four years later he has learnt many new skills working with Silver and has diversified into using resin in his creations too. Still just a ‘hobby’ he wakes up each days with new ideas and can’t wait to try them out, opened an Etsy Shop, and is currently preparing to undertake local shows. Andy says he is still very much a novice, but with so much to learn enjoys every new challenge.
Contact Number: Retail - 07919 828 481